As we walked across the dunes, we went northeast toward the Sable Falls corner of the dunes. Because the snow was so deep down in the valleys, we walked the ridges of the dunes. As we neared Lake Superior, we spotted the real Ghost Forest in the distance.

As we stood on the bluff, we figured that it may be the last time that we see an ice-free beach this year.

The wind and variable temperatures also carved out the side of the dune in the Ghost Forest.

This is the ledge that we sat on to have lunch. I have an old shower curtain I put down on the frozen sand. I also brought a couple of towels for us to sit on. It was a little cold, but we had the best view in town.

After finishing lunch, we walked out of the Ghost Forest and headed due east. We had to bushwhack it through the forest -- which is not easy with snowshoes when the snow is not always deep enough to get you above the downed wood. We like these kinds of hikes, though, because you have the opportunity to walk in different ecosystems.

We finally broke through the forest and walked over the footbridge near Sable Falls, and headed south on the trail back to the visitors center.

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