Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sand Dune Hike

Friend Clare and I took a 4 hour hike in the dunes yesterday. We went in on the Masse Homestead trail located about half way between Sable Lake and the Log Slide. We walked up the trail 7 or 8 minutes and then caught the path that accessed the dunes. From their we hiked northwest to the Log Slide and headed back the lake shore Masse Homestead trail. It was truly a glorious day.

We say 4 or 5 telegraph poles. One of these days I have to purchase a GPS so I can mark the coordinates of each and figure out how many there are. I would also like to find out when the telegraph line was installed to connect the lighthouse keepers at Au Sable Point with Grand Marais. If any of you know some of this history, please send me an email to

Some of the views in the middle of the Grand Sable Dunes are spectacular. We certainly did some up and down hiking.

Each view from the dunes is a little bit different.

Here is a shot of Clare.

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