The agates in Kentucky are confined to a few counties. We stayed in Irvine, which is in Estill County, and drove around 30 or 40 miles to the Middle Fork river area. This scene was painted on a building in Irvine, Kentucky.

One guy we spoke with claims that Kentucky has more bodies of water including rivers, creeks and lakes than any other state other than Alaska. I don't know if that is true but there were a lot of rivers, including the Kentucky River.

Everywhere in Estill County the barns were decorated with these crazy quilt designs.

Very few places in Kentucky were flat. There were hills everywhere, that often times had grazing horses or cows.

The night I arrived home from Kentucky, where we had temperatures near 90 degrees, it snowed in Grand Marais. In fact it snowed for a whole day resulting in an accumulation of around five inches. My daffodils didn't like it much.