On the day I left, I finished polishing another great agate found by Dan Kinney, who is from the Soo. I didn't weigh the agate, but it is well over a pound. The husk was quite thick, not allowing you to see the banding very well. It gave you enough of a hint, though, that Dan asked me to face polish it. Once through the husk, about a zillion eyes started popping through.

As people walked by our camp site, I am sure they had a chuckle. Renee and I have beds in the back of our respective vehicals. Thus, there are no tents or RVs. However, we do have an agate lamp to facilitate playing cribbage.
On Friday, we agate hunted at Vermillion for at least 5 hours. We found some chippers, seam agates, and Renee found one decent agate -- but nothing earth shattering, unfortunately. It didn't matter. It is a beautiful beach.
I call this the Christmas plant.
A piece of a shipwreck. Although the wood looks old, we were not sure why there was a modern piece of blue plastic rope. We figure that maybe someone was trying to tow the section.
A huge track -- we think it was a moose.
A smaller animal track trail that looked neat between the rows of rock.