Yesterday was a good day. I went cross country skiing, which I have missed since I have been snowshoeing instead, and I received the shipment of the newly mastered DVD. As some of you know, I finished the "How to Find Agates" DVD in October. I started selling the DVD at the Mason, MI show the end of October. Not only did it take a lot of time to make each copy using my computer, but there are other issues with the duplicating software I was using. So I decided to send the files to Discmakers and hired them to professionally master the audio/video, print the jewel case components, and duplicate the DVD. For those of you who purchased one of the DVDs that I made off my computer -- I am offering the newly mastered DVD at half price. Just send me an email to and let me know that you would like to buy the new version. For others who are interested in purchasing the DVD, please go to the online gift shop at Below are the graphics for the DVD package and I picture I took of some of the DVDs.

Although it was very cold yesterday, I decided to hit the ski trails. The snow was not that great due to the cold temps, but it was a beautiful sunny day. The good news is that I enjoyed the ski. The bad news is that for the third time, my beloved camera did not work well. I am now getting a lens error when I use the camera outside. I have taken some preventive measures to clean the lens mechanism, but I may have worn the camera out. I have been using this Cannon sx30ls camera for four years and have taken many thousands of photos. It may also be that the rechargeable batteries are reaching their end of life (I have two batteries). We will see...
Here are the pictures I took before the camera quit working.
The snow is not quite as deep near the parking lot, but it is still around three feet.
I skied trail B and then trail A.
Lots of snow...
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