Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another Snowshoe Trek and More

We had a warm up yesterday to 10 degrees so Lois and I snowshoed up the hill past First Creek, but then we kept going west and climbed a couple of more hills.

At the top of the steps, a huge pine tree was blown over in Saturday's blizzard.

Big tree along path going down to First Creek.

Climbing the hill again...

The woodpeckers are going nuts with all the dying beach trees.

A friend of mine from down state, Rob Kushler, and his wife purchased one of the condos out on Coast Guard Point in Grand Marais.  One day this winter he captured these photos out on the bay.

Pine detail...


  1. I've been coming to Grand Marais since I was a baby and my family has much history there. I've never gone in the thick of the winter. Thank you for capturing all of this.

  2. I've been coming to Grand Marais since I was a baby and my family has much history there. I've never gone in the thick of the winter. Thank you for capturing all of this.

